The idea was born one day when a group of gardeners was working in the woods.
Dreaming to create a special place, they gently trimmed branches, cleared brush and opened light into dark places.
Raking and molding the grounds, they chatted about what to call their special place, where it would go, what it would do.
They felt as they worked that it was becoming so very peaceful.
"Let's call it a 'Peace Path,' said one of the gardeners.
"Let's all build one in our own yards, too," said another.
"Let's invite others to make them too," excitedly said a third.
"If we each build one, and then invite two others to do the same..." their leader began.
"One day, there would be no room for anything else but peace!" was whispered last.
All agreed. That is what they would do.
Fourteen years later there are Peace Paths all over the world.
It is time... for more.